Chloe Replica Handbags | Prada Replica Handbags Sale
Egyptian-born Parisian designer, Gaby Aghion founded the house of Chloe Replica Handbags in 1952 to counter the stiffness of post-WW-II high-couture. She was very good at it. Over sixty years later, the brand still caters to non-conforming, free-spirits who share an interest in fashion-forward dressing and a dislike of trends.
Though the brand has been associated with a niche market, we've noticed that Chloe bags have been getting increasingly popular in the mainstream for the last couple years. We're not surprised: their classic, beautifully-constructed purses are the epitome of bohemian French style. With the release of the new Georgia crossbody arguably a contender for this year's It Bag we thought it was time to go through some of the Chloe heavy-hitters to educate our readers on this gem of a brand.

Aghion's progressive spirit is most obvious in the Marcie Bag. With its horseshoe-shaped design on the front flap, the Marcie is arguably Chloe's most recognizable and popular purse. 70's-inspired styling combines with a sophisticated silhouette to make the bag's folksy bohemian quality uniquely sleek and cool. Beautifully-crafted with good volume (even the small ones are surprisingly roomy), the Marcie is a great daily-wear bag. The rectangular Marcie bags have both a handle and a strap while the round ones are simply crossbodies. SHOP: The Chloe Marcie Collection??on Tradesy.
With its distinctive shape and leather-covered rope triangle detail, the Paraty is another one of Chloe's most recognizable bags. Its volume is more structured than the Marcie and the rope detail gives the bag an urban edge. For this reason, while the Paraty still has the bohemian touch of the Marcie, it also has a slightly grown-up, big-city vibe. It comes in different sizes, and its largest size is big enough to be an overnight bag. SHOP: The Chloe Paraty Collection??on Tradesy.
With its small, swinging silhouette, the Drew is upscale 70's glamor personified. The easy-to-wear, easy-on-the-eyes crossbody is a great day-to-night bag appropriate for work and perfect for even the fanciest of evening spots. Each season, it comes in different styles, fabric and color combinations including pastiche and color-block. One of the best things about the bag is its jewelry-inspired hardware perfect for the minimalist dresser who wants a sophisticated splash of bling. SHOP: The Chloe Drew Collection on Tradesy.
The Georgia which was released in 2015??is the newest addition to Chloe's gallery of iconic bags. Some people in-the-know would argue that the multi-pocketed crossbody is this year's new It Bag following in the footsteps of last year's Mansur Gavriel Bucket. With its equestrian-inspired look, the Georgia is also pretty functional given all its pockets. Even though the bag came out in 2015, it is already showing up on re-sale sites. SHOP: The Replica Handbags Collection on Tradesy.
It is easy to become obsessed with the Faye for a simple reason: it combines sleek bag architecture with a glam rock touch. The result is that there just isn't anything else out there. And it looks smokin'. The smooth front flap, with its subtle embossed logo, is low-keyed and very elegant. The bag's identifying element, of course, is the circular ring and attached chain as well as an accordion-shaped style that allows it to be carried like a clutch. The Faye comes in various different sizes and two different shapes and shows the world much like other Chloe bags that you are a complicated woman. Like the designer herself. SHOP: The Chloe Faye Collection on Tradesy.