Completely comfortable in an architectural Balenciaga dress, the world took notice every time she stepped outside. She never traveled without her Louis Vuitton luggage and sashayed her way through every party with a Replica Balenciaga Bags.
Without Josephine Baker, there would have been no Diana Ross, no Beyonce, and probably no Gwen Stefani. As a timeless style icon, dancing queen and owner of a cheetah, Baker’s life was full of fabulous fashion, experiences and intrigue.

Born in 1906, Josephine Baker was born to an extremely poor family whose only source income was performing song-and-dance shows on the streets. Her talent was quickly noticed by the dance community, and by 15 she was featured in chorus lines in New York City. Feeling that America was deeply prejudiced at the time, Baker escaped to France, and by age 19, she was starring in La Revue Nègre in Paris. It was here that Baker made worldwide news by wearing only a tutu made of bananas on stage.
Baker briefly tried to come back to the United States to perform, but was roundly rejected and misunderstood. She returned to France, married a Frenchman, renounced her American citizenship and lived happily in Europe till the end of her days. After only two years in France, she became the most admired and highest paid entertainer in Europe.
Offstage, Baker distanced herself from her stage persona and took great care to always appear in public in sophisticated, elaborate outfits that inspired a decade of fashion.
Iconically, she always wore oversized, art deco jewelry a decision that defined the style of the 1920s for the rest of the world. In fact, her timelessly elegant personal style is what made her become the muse for Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, and Christian Dior.
After she retired, Baker turned her focus onto social justice while remaining sophisticated as ever. As Baker aged, her style remained just as extravagant. Never without a fur coat, dangling diamond earrings, and a floor-length gown, Baker always looked flawless Replica Celine Handbags making her a style icon for generations.