Neurologger 2B

Enhanced version with increased data rates

Neurologger 2B has been designed to record high-frequency and ultrasonic vocalizations in animals. It records:

  • Animal vocalizations, frequencies below 16.6 kHz, 4 channels
  • Animal ultrasonic vocalizations, frequencies below 100 kHz, 1 channel
  • 3-D acceleration
  • Event labels for precise synchronization with external equipment

4 channels with sampling rate up to 33.3 kHz for sound and neuronal activity recording.
Single-channel 200 kHz mode for ultrasound recording.

  Version for zebra finches, marmosets Version for bats


Technical data of the Neurologger 2A/2B

Number of channels:

4 with 2 ref. inputs
(ch1 and ch2 to ref1; ch3 and ch4 to ref2)

ADC resolution:

10 bit

Input range is factory-adjustable. Typical ranges are:

+/- 500 μV for EEG
+/- 1 mV for neuronal activity
+/- 3 mV for LFPs
+/- 6 mV for ECG

Neurologger mechanical dimensions (without batteries):

22x15x3 mm 3

Total mechanical dimensions (Neurologger, batteries):

22x15x5 mm 3

Weight of 1GB Neurologger board:

0.945 g

Weight of two 80mAh Renata ZA10 batteries:

0.635 g

Weight of head connector:

0.255 g

Weight of protective cover:

0.170 g

Weight of battery connecting wires:

0.050 g

Total weight:

2.055 g

Battery life time:

EEG logger, 4 channels,
100, 200 or 400 sps

1 day 9 h

Single unit logger, 4 ch x 9.6 ksps

23 h

1 GB memory data filling time:

4 channels, 100 sps

20 days 17 h

4 channels, 200 sps

10 days 8 h

4 channels, 400 sps

5 days 4 h

4 channels, 1600 sps

1 day 7 h

4 channels + 3D accelerometer, 100 sps

13 days 19 h

4 channels + 3D accelerometer, 200 sps

6 days 21 h

4 channels + 3D accelerometer, 400 sps

3 days 10 h

4 channels + 3D accelerometer, 1600 sps

20 h 42 min

4 channels, 9.6 ksps (with or w/o 3D accelerometer)

5 h 10 min

4 channels, 19.2 ksps (with or w/o 3D accelerometer)

2 h 35 min

4 channels, 33.3 ksps (with or w/o 3D accelerometer)

1 h 29 min

1 channels, 200 ksps (with or w/o 3D accelerometer)

59 min 39 s

1 GB data downloading time:

27 min 2 s


3 SPI, 8Mbps, converted to USB via custom adapter, power supply, one CMOS digital input for events recording (shared with SPI pin)

Data format:



Neurologger is a registered trademark.
Protected by U.S. patents #8,160,688; #9,492,085; #11,134,864. Other patents pending.